Alternative Health Therapies
While alternative health therapies may not be too popular in the west yet, they have proven themselves safe and effective for many centuries.

Certainly not everyone requires all alternative health modalities or therapies because when it comes to your health, one size does not fit all.
Our natural health services ensure your individual needs are specifically assessed by our natural health practitioners using both complementary and alternative health modalities & therapies based on your condition, needs and objectives.
Alternative Health Modalities
- Applied Kinesiology (Muscle Testing)
- Biochemical Blood Analysis
- Herbology
- Sclerology
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.)
- Complementary Modalities
You owe it to yourself to discover just how effective and rewarding alternative health modalities can be for your health and your successes in life.
Call for information and appointments.