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Diane McLaren's Healthy You Naturally NewsletterYour power of natural healing, health and wellness unleashed. December 2008 | |
Season Greetings! Welcome to the final issue for 2008 and conclusion of my 5 part mini-series on success. Thank you for your interest and allowing me to share my passion, training and experiences in natural health and wellness with you. Your comments and inquiries are always welcome. I wish you, your family and friends a safe, healthy and joyous season! Diane What's New
Living In Integrity, Health And Abundance Series, Part 5/5
Before Success Happens, Are You Willing To Change?Over the past 4 months I've shared an age old approach to successfully achieving goals that has proven effective for thousands of years.
Is Your Glass Half Full Or Half Empty?Positive attitudes and high energy are traits of people who are successful at whatever they have chosen to do e.g. better incomes, health, professional advancements, relationships and more. Therefore if you expect to be successful achieving your goals, you are going to have to develop ways to infuse lots of energy and a adopt a totally positive attitude. How does one go about developing energy and a positive attitude?First you have to recognize that there are 2 types of energy, physical and mental. Each has unique requirements. Physical energy can be developed by setting aside at least 30 minutes of time 3 or 4 times a week for exercise. What you want to do is elevate you heart rate over that period of time doing activities that you find enjoyable.
Today people are not sleeping as long or as well so a few simple strategies can improve sleep quality:
When you make sleep a constant priority, you will feel stronger throughout the day, your thoughts will be clearer, you will look younger and you will live longer. Mental attitude has a direct influence on your level of physical energy so having a positive mental attitude and outlook makes all the difference regardless of what your goals are. Negative situations tend to quickly deplete you of energy and that includes pessimism, stress, anger, disappointment, sadness, frustration, boredom and even long meetings or mentally demanding problem solving.
Earlier you may have read how pessimism has a disempowering effect on your potential for success; well the inverse is true of optimism. Eternal optimism is a trait all successful people share and developing a positive outlook is essential to success. Put another way, you should think and do with purpose because your body carries out exactly what you ask of it. Being successful really is all about formatting your internal template of thoughts to constantly look forward to positive desired outcomes regardless of the inevitable setbacks that do happen. As babies we learned from our parents, through schooling our teachers and peers and as adults we continue to be exposed to new ideas and people from all walks of life. Thoughts do lead to actions and actions do lead to results so if you expect to achieve your really big goals, you’ll want to be fine-tuning your thoughts and actions. Many successful people have found that the most effective way to get really good at what they do is by learning from and modeling themselves after someone who is already successful in that particular field of expertise. They seek out a mentor, someone they can learn from and model themselves after. These mentors are individuals who actively practicing what they teach. It’s very important when looking for a mentor or a role model that you choose wisely! If you are going to learn from someone, learn from someone who is successful at what they are doing because you’ll want to be both challenged and motivated and while your best friend many be opinionated, it may not be based on fact or a proven track record. If you’re going to find a mentor, make sure you’re learning from someone who doesn’t just have a book knowledge. You need someone who is a doer, who is out there making things happen. In Summary, the 7 steps to succeed at any goal you chose:
I wish you success on your journey toward success and welcome your inquiry on any personal health counselling needs or any interest in developing your own home business based on sharing my natural health solutions and the industry leading herbal products of Nature's Sunshine. To your good health and happiness, Diane McLaren Practitioner & Wellness Coach
A Wellness Coach Can Help You To Turbo Charge Your HealthIf you're considering alternative health solutions and want to work with a holistic health practitioner and wellness coach you can depend on to act in your best interests, give Diane a call. She can help you develop a solid no nonsense plan that will help you achieve your goals. Education is part of all her personalized one-on-one health counselling and wellness programs so you not only get effective natural solutions to address your concerns and objectives, you gain invaluable life-skills that will positively influence your long-term health and well-being. Regardless of where you start on your journey to better health, Diane will share her skilled advice, knowledge, inspired guidance and provide the motivation so you will naturally achieve better results faster. Schedule an appointment, identify the strengths and weaknesses in your body systems, clarify your goals and get a personalized wellness plan with an achievable timeline in place that can successfully take you from where you are today, to where you want to be. Learn more about Diane's complementary therapies, holistic approach & core values ... "You are invited to discover just how effective and rewarding a natural approach to health can be." Natural Health Courses & Workshops For Q1 2009
Now is a great time to register for one of Diane's inspiring and interactive health and wellness courses in 2009, get more courses details here: www.healthyyounaturally.com/courses/ Product Highlights For Free Shipping Till December 31, 2008
In This Months Issue
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