Worldwide, according to CDC and WHO data, far fewer people have died
form H1N1 than any seasonal flu in the past.
The debate to have or not have the H1N1 vaccine continues unabated in the
workplace, in the home and even in medical circles. It is interesting to
note that the government position remains clear ... all citizens need the
vaccine and news media is reinforcing that perception by reporting on H1N1 hourly.
"Human beings, the potentially highest form of life expression on this planet have built the vast pharmaceutical industry for the central purpose of poisoning the lowest form of life on the planet--germs! One of the biggest tragedies of human civilization is the precedence of chemicals over nutrition."-- Dr. Richard Murray ...
So, what are we as responsible individuals to think?
Of course the H1N1 swine flu should not be taken lightly as it has specifically
been identified as a contributing factor in a number of deaths.
incidents of death from H1N1 need perspective though. Long before H1N1 appeared, influenza
was claiming thousands of lives every year which did not happen to make for
hourly news reports or urgent government action! But that
was then ...
When the World Health Organization declared H1N1 a potential killer flu pandemic,
it kicked off a firestorm of fear that continues today, but what is the observed reality vs. regular flu?
- Mar. 2003 - Canadian Medical Association Journal -
Before H1N1 appeared on the scene, a US
study (JAMA 2002;289[2]:179-86), funded by the US Centers for Disease Control
(CDC), estimate that 36 000 Americans are dying from influenza-related
complications each year. (the W.H.O. estimate 250k to 500k deaths globally)
- Mar. 2003 - The estimates are "similar in
Canada," says Dr. Theresa Tam, chief of respiratory
disease with the Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention
and Control and Health Canada estimates up to 2,500
influenza related deaths annually
- Summer 2009 - Many AU/NZ doctor's
declined to offer flu shots because they could not get
malpractice insurance whereas the US government either has
or will pass legal exemptions favoring doctors, and of
course the pharmaceutical companies.
- 23 Oct 2009 Ontario Ministry reported 88% of
all deaths had underlying chronic medical conditions ...” (e.g. obesity, asthma
or smoking related)
- Nov. 2, 2009 - the Public Health Agency of
Canada reported 101 deaths (nationally) related to the H1N1
virus this year.
- Nov. 5, 2009 Infectious disease expert Dr. Neil Rau
has said he
believes the disease has likely peaked in most locations.
(on Canada AM)
Spring 2009 - The Scare: "... thousands to die in the worst flu
pandemic in decades!"
August 2009 - The Hype: Amid ongoing media
reports and government posturing on the H1N1 flu pandemic,
officials were stating that the ability to get ahead of the flu
by making available the rushed to market vaccines was urgent and
essential for every citizen.
November 2009 - The Reality: Actual deaths are
very rare, H1N1 vaccines are limited in supply, distribution and availability
poor ... what happened to the deadly pandemic forecasts?
- Today, H1N1 fears are being fed by
hourly media
broadcasts of breaking news yet last year, flu killed
thousands with little media attention.
- Current scientific research indicates
the current H1N1 strain is mild for most and lacks certain gene
components considered essential to it becoming a mass killer.
- The vast majority of actual H1N1 deaths have been linked to pre-existing chronic
conditions involving obesity, asthma & respiratory complications of smoking.
There are credible, low cost ways to naturally build a
strong, healthy immune system that defends against all forms of
disease yet no government agency promotes them. In fact,
Canada's Bill C-6 seeks to limit or remove many natural
health options
currently available.
Who benefits from the flu pandemic?
With hundreds of millions of dollars at stake, H1N1 is big
business for both government and pharmaceutical companies.
Hello, I'm from the government and I'm here to
protect you.
" ... Parliament began passing laws to make the untested
vaccine compulsory throughout the British Empire. Other
countries of Europe followed suit. Once the economic
implications of compulsory vaccinations were realized, few dared
to disagree. Then, as now, the media were controlled by the
vaccine manufacturers and the government, who stood to make huge
money from the sale of these spurious vaccines."... Dr. Tim
Speaking out on swine flu misinformation
Dr. Russell Blaylock is a board certified neurosurgeon, author and
lecturer. For the past 25 years he has practiced neurosurgery in
addition to having a nutritional practice. He recently retired
from both practices to devote full time to nutritional studies
and research.
About Dr. Blaylock ...
Exercise good judgment and make informed decisions
without fear. Besides strengthening your immune system
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Got questions or want to book an appointment?
Isn't it time you stopped guessing and found out where you stand on your own health
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To your lasting good health and happiness,
Diane McLaren
C.C.Ir., R.O.H.P., R.N.C.P.
Holistic Health Practitioner, Wellness Coach & Trainer
I am very excited to advise that I will be relocating my
practice Jan/2010!
See next months newsletter for details on the
Wellness Centre, Training Facilities & Natural Health Shoppe.
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