
Thank you for your interest and allowing me to share my passion, training and experiences in natural health and wellness with you.  Your comments and inquiries are always welcome.   Healthy regards, Diane

P.S. So many people have missed the side bar info that "news" is now moved below.

What's New & News

Fall Natural Health Course Dates:

(Register now.  Wellness Essentials is this weekend in Mississauga, (905) 855-3000

  • Launched Oct. 14 - The Business KickStart Teleseminar - a weekly 1 hour workshop available to my partners (practitioners, coaches & consultants of Healthy You Naturally)
  • Beginning November 12th 8-9PM - Join my new "Monthly Call On Wellness"  Teleseminar 2nd Wednesday of each month, free workshop.  See all the details in the Nov. 4th Newsletter, exclusive to you as a subscriber to my newsletter!
  • My website, HealthyYouNaturally.com is under a major renovation and on Nov. 1 launches with added articles, products, a members area and more.  With over 15,000 unique visitors a month, the upgrades were needed.  Please tell a friend to drop by and subscribe to the newsletter and they will get my monthly Call On Wellness teleseminar as a bonus!
  • It is not too early to register for January training classes and if you have been planning to address a weight concern, now is a great time to be ready for 2009!


Living In Integrity, Health And Abundance Series, Part 3

Part 1 - The Top Reason People Don’t Succeed

Part 2 - Avoid Sabotaging Your Chances Of Success

Part 3 - How To Get Better Results With Less Effort

How To Get Better Results With Less Effort


In the last segment you read about someone who had buried herself in the mundane tasks of everyday living to the point where the objectives she had identified as important to her where not getting done.

  • Sadly it is not uncommon. 

Many people get so caught up in the act of being busy that they fail to achieve their dreams.  Getting the groceries done or the kids picked up from school needs to be done, but they get so busy running around focusing on the little stuff that the big life changing stuff never happens.

Because so many people don’t focus on getting even a few important tasks completed, years can pass and nothing significant gets accomplished.  Sure the kids are happy, grow and develop but what happened to the dreams? 

For the most part they get abandoned.  People ditch their big dream either because they forget, or they’re too busy to take action.

  • Once the kids are in school, I’ll get that project started ... 
  • When I get that promotion I’ll be able to …
  • By next month I’ll be ready to start …

The problem is, there is always something, and unless you find a way to break out of the mold, you’ll look back in 3, 5 or 10 years and realize not much has changed.

Successful people know that to achieve any goal they must take action, yet interestingly, the amount of effort they invest to substantially achieve their objective tends to be surprisingly small.

The Pareto Principle

There is a simple rule you may have heard about known as the Pareto principle that says 20% of what you do will deliver 80% of your results.

  • We wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time
  • 80% of the office work is done by 20% of the people
  • 80% of company revenues come from 20% of their customers

The 80/20 Rule applies to virtually everything including your health, finances, happiness, relationships and so on.  The trick to adopting and using the 80/20 Rule is to determine which 20% of your daily activities will deliver 80% of your big goals.

Using an 80/20 approach to daily living gives you a way to balance your time and efforts of doing the essential yet mundane busy things and still have considerable time available to take action on the tasks that can get you from where you are to where you want to be.

If by now you have defined your really big goals and broken then down into smaller steps as suggested in part 1, spending 20% of your time on those smaller steps, one at a time is guaranteed to deliver results in line with your objectives. 

It is the consistency of putting 20% of your daily time into the small steps that over time delivers the really big results and in this case you can look back in 1, 5 or 10 years and easily see your progress and also take great pride in your accomplishments.

Why would you spend 80% of your time doing things that don’t give you the results you want?  Here is an example of my own that I’ve just recently come to terms with.

A Few Years Ago I Found Out Just How Accurate The Pareto Principle Is

As a small business owner I had wrestled with the problem of hiring staff.  On the one hand the business was growing, but on the other hand, I felt the cost of hiring would take away my hard earned profits.

The problem with this situation was that because the business was growing I found myself spending more and more time doing everyday administrative tasks that took me away from by customers, clients, partners and future growth opportunities. 

I ended up investing 80% of my efforts into activities that brought me just 20% of the results which is the exact inverse of the Pareto principal. I had gotten so busy with the everyday requirements of running the business that I lost sight of my original goals.

Fearfully I took steps to hire an assistant and in a matter of weeks I noticed that as my ability to focus on my customers improved, so did my business prospects because I was able to focus on customers and expand my reach into new areas of endeavor.

If you don‘t have time to focus on your dreams because you have made going to the grocery Store a priority, then that’s just not intelligent, and that’s not how successful people get things done. 

  • Why did I decide to stop doing the (important but) small tasks myself? 
  • Was it because I am lazy? 

No.  Success for me is happening because I have developed a system, an approach that allows me to focus my time on activities that supports the business and delivers better results faster. 

I apply this same system in all my counselling and training services too because it has consistently shown to help people achieve superior results.

For example, since I found someone to support the daily administrative tasks of the company, in the past year I have solidified and expanded my private counseling services, improved the quality of service to my clients, co-authored a book called The Power Of Team, documented my methodology on natural healing into the Bodiwell Health System, been a featured speaker at several large national venues, had my articles featured in several national publications and launched my own internet radio show, teleseminars to name a few ... and I was not working harder.

What is the bottom line when it comes to results?

Decide what you want achieve, identify solutions for anything significant that might stop you from doing it and then put 20% of your daily efforts into actions that will deliver 80% of the results.  With persistency you can not fail.

This Rule Applies To Your Ability To Achieve Excellent Health And Wellness

Achieving optimum health in your life requires a similar approach and a system that identifies what needs to be addressed then a Wellness Coach who will help your to overcome obstacles so you do succeed at achieving your wellness goals.

Next month I be expanding this series by showing you a system that can help you to defeat pessimism .  I do hope you will join me.

Healthy regards,



A Wellness Coach Can Help You To Turbo Charge Your Health

As a Wellness Coach, Diane can help you develop a solid no nonsense plan that will help you achieve changes that really will get you feeling good and looking great. 

Regardless of where you start your journey to better health; Diane's skilled advice and inspired guidance will show you how to naturally achieve better results faster and as a bonus, you will get the knowledge and skills that last a lifetime.

Schedule an appointment, identify the strengths and weaknesses in your body, clarify your goals and get a personal plan with an achievable timeline in place that will successfully take you from where you are today to where you want to be.

You are invited to discover just how effective and rewarding a natural approach to health can be.

"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot

Diane McLaren's Healthy You Naturally Newsletter

In This Months Issue

Free online quiz.  Discover the strengths and weaknesses in your body systems with the Blueprint ...

Body Mass Index.  Ever wonder how your body measures against the standardized BMI scale?  BMI ...

Featured Products

It is finally available.  My book entitled The Power Of Team can be ordered now, just $14.95.  More information ...

Tiao He 2-week Cleanse safely helps restore regular function, balance and harmony in your body naturally, with no discomfort. Herbal cleanse ...

Cleanse & Weight Loss naturally without side effects with this herbal program designed to nurture and restore your normal body functions. Cleanse for healthy weight loss  ...

A Wellness Coach can turbo charge your health and wellness. Let's talk about how a plan just for you could improve your quality of living.  More ...

Enjoy the great tastes of treats, nutritional goodness and oral health benefits of minty mints and flavorful chewing gum. Check them out ... 

Vitamins, Minerals & Supplements for men, women and children. More ...

Natural Skin & Hair Care Products ...

Essential Oils ...

Excellent Exercise

About Nature's Sunshine

There are many good reasons Diane is a national top independent distributor of Nature's Sunshine Products.  Find out what they are ...

If you live in the USA or Canada and want to become a distributor for NSP sponsored and supported by Diane, find out how ...



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