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Diane McLaren's Healthy You Naturally Newsletter

Welcome %FirstName%,

Thank you for your interest and allowing me to share my passion, training and experiences in natural health and wellness with you.  Your comments and inquiries are always welcome.

Healthy regards, Diane


"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot

Living In Integrity, Health And Abundance Series, Part 2

In my part 1 of my August newsletter I talked about the number one reason people do not succeed, the single most important habit that all successful people have and outlined 6 steps essential to achieving your dreams, no matter what they are. Go here for Part 1 ...

This month I continue the series Living In Integrity, Health And Abundance.  While I am certainly focused on health and wellness through my Bodiwell Health System, the lessons taken from that system apply equally well in every area of your life. 

How To Avoid Sabotaging Your Chances Of Success

Even when you have taken the time to set your big goals, developed a plan and begun to take action, procrastination may be one of the biggest challenges you face.  It really doesn’t matter what the goals are, procrastination is one of those very human traits that can quickly derail you, if you let it.

You may have started a new business, are working toward a promotion, made plans to complete a course, started exercising every day, began adding more whole foods to your diet, decided to resolve a lingering illness or simply begun to improve your hydration by adding 1 extra glass of clean water a day.   

The problem begins when you start second-guessing yourself to the point where you talk yourself out of the very actions that would get see you becoming successful. 

No matter how important you initially believe your goals are, old habits can kick in and unless you recognize them for what they are, you can end up convincing yourself that:

  • I do not feel like doing that right now because I am too tired!
  • I am just not in the mood to do that today!
  • I will take a break now and do it later!

So where does that kind of put-it-off-till-later thinking come from? 

In most cases, the root of those thoughts is based on a fear of the unknown.  Taking a break is never the problem, but when it turns into procrastination and robs you of your ability to succeed, you have to realize there is a problem.

So What Can I Do About Procrastination?

To tackle procrastination, you have to begin by recognizing that it exists then have a plan to deal with it when it appears.  Managing your time is the proven method.

So go ahead, watch that TV show, go to a movie or read a few chapters but be prepared.  In other words, say “I’m going to read for the next hour then I will make the time to work on my project.  Be specific, “I’m going to read till 8PM then I’ll start my project.”

If 8PM comes and goes, your old (bad) habits remain tightly in control.  Worse than that, those old habits are draining your self-esteem, integrity, energy, enthusiasm and putting you at odds with your own self who said “I will achieve this goal”.

When you fail to take action on your goal because “I’m too tired” you are letting yourself down.  You did not do what you said you would do and you feel guilty, perhaps even a little depressed and disappointed that you failed to live up to your word.

Since even the most successful people experience procrastination in some form or another, how do they handle it?  How do they break away from those old bad habits that try to convince them to take it easy, do it later, to fail at the very goals that would otherwise make them more successful?

The answer is simple:  “Live in integrity and act in spite of your mood.”

Being aware procrastination is a problem is the first major step to overcoming it.  If you are following the advice from Part 1 on developing small steps toward achieving your goal, the chances are that it will be much easier to actually take those steps consistently. 

You alone are responsible so repeat often, “I act in spite of my mood.”

Here is an example of a friend who years ago had started a small business selling kitchen wares and really wanted to see it grow and prosper. 

She was having a great deal of trouble making it happen though.  She liked many aspects of the enterprise including the people aspect but one task she disliked was making the daily follow up calls to customers and prospects.

She would find every possible reason not to make those calls.  There was laundry that needed doing, the dry cleaning needed to be picked up, kids activities, groceries, meals to prepare, you name it.  She had procrastinated to the point where her goal of owning a successful business was in serious trouble.

Did she want to see her business fail?  Absolutely not and after a bit of investigation, self analysis and guidance from her coach; she hit upon a method that worked for her.

She made it her daily goal to contact 5 customers or prospects first thing every morning.  Because she really didn’t like to make the calls so she developed a plan that involved each little step she needed to do from the moment she awoke to the moment she had dialed the first number.

Brush teeth, shower, make coffee, prepared the kids lunch, grab some breakfast, get dressed, go to her office, sit at the desk, check her voice mail, pull the days files, write out her to call list for that day and finally, dial that first number.

Every day she focused on enjoying each small step from rising to that first call and continually congratulated herself on completing every step. 

She had stopped focusing on the task she disliked. 

What she did was consciously put herself in motion, and once in motion it became much easier to get to the point of making the first call because she was not actually thinking about it, she was thinking about the series of small routines that lead up to making the call. 

She had discovered how to take control of her time by defining her tasks so she got things done.  The laundry, groceries and so on were still done, but they were done after she made those calls.

Over a period of just a few months, her business began to grow, her sense of accomplishment improved and her self-confidence began to soar because she could actually see herself getting closer to her larger objectives, one step at a time.

  • What single action had she mastered?
  • “I act in spite of my mood.” 

Whether you don’t feel like it, or you don’t like completing a particular task, being honest with yourself then accepting responsibility to do whatever it takes despite your feelings will help you to banish procrastination, and get things done.

Achieving optimum health requires similar aspects and a Wellness Coach can help to overcome obstacles so you do succeed at achieving your goals.

Next month I be expanding this series by showing you exactly how to get the results you want with 80% less effort.  I do hope you will join me.

Healthy regards,



A Wellness Coach Can Help You To Turbo Charge Your Health

As a Wellness Coach, Diane can help you develop a solid no nonsense plan that will help you achieve changes that really will get you feeling good and looking great. 

Regardless of where you start your journey to better health; Diane's skilled advice and inspired guidance will show you how to naturally achieve better results faster and as a bonus, you will get the knowledge and skills that last a lifetime.

Schedule an appointment, identify the strengths and weaknesses in your body, clarify your goals and get a personal plan with an achievable timeline in place that will successfully take you from where you are today to where you want to be.

You are invited to discover just how effective and rewarding a natural approach to health can be.

In This Issue

What's New & News

Fall Course Dates:

2-Day Wellness Essentials Course
Sat Oct 18 + Sun Oct 19 T

6-Day Practical Practitioner Course
Oct 18 + Oct 19 + Oct 27 + Oct 28 + Nov 10 + Nov 11 

2-Day Reflexology Fundamentals
Nov 1 + Nov 2

1/2 Day Applied Kinesiology / Muscle Testing Workshop – Oct 16

Farewell Deb!
Over the past 14+ months you have been indispensible!  Your desire to be there for me is greatly appreciated and I wish you every success!  - Diane

Free online quiz.  Discover the strengths and weaknesses in your body systems with the Blueprint ...

Body Mass Index.  Ever wonder how your body measures against the standardized BMI scale?  BMI ...


Featured Products

It is finally available.  My book entitled The Power Of Team can be ordered now, just $14.95.  More information ...

Tiao He 2-week Cleanse safely helps restore regular function, balance and harmony in your body naturally, with no discomfort. Herbal cleanse ...

Cleanse & Weight Loss naturally without side effects with this herbal program designed to nurture and restore your normal body functions. Cleanse for healthy weight loss  ...

A Wellness Coach can turbo charge your health and wellness. Let's talk about how a plan just for you could improve your quality of living.  More ...

Enjoy the great tastes of treats, nutritional goodness and oral health benefits of minty mints and flavorful chewing gum. Check them out ... 

Vitamins, Minerals & Supplements for men, women and children. More ...

Natural Skin Care Products ...

Essential Oils ...

Excellent Exercise

About Nature's Sunshine

There are many good reasons Diane is a national top 10 independent distributor of Nature's Sunshine Products.  Find out what they are ...

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