Welcome and thank you for your interest and allowing me to share my passion, training and experiences in natural
nutrition, health and wellness with you. I get so many questions on this
topic that this month I want to talk to you about some myths and realities
surrounding Vitamin D and as always, I welcome your comments and inquiries.
Healthy regards,
What's New
Created exclusively to help you develop informed habits of health ...
Uncovering The Vitamin D Myths And Truths!
This month I am going to share my answers on a few frequently asked
questions I get in my natural health practice month after month.
The complete article (pdf) is available here ...
- Do I really need Vitamin D?
- What are the benefits of taking Vitamin D regularly?
- What kind of Vitamin D is safe and which one should
I take?
- To ensure
I get the best results, can I just take Vitamin D by itself?
- Can you clear up the many news stories I hear about Vitamin D?
These are great questions but before answering them specifically, this is what I
always explain to my clients, customers, students and colleagues, it is
what you need to know about Vitamin D:
- Yes, the sun is one of the best sources of Vitamin D.
- Yes, it is true that people living in the northern hemisphere,
(Canada, Northern USA/Europe) are more at
Vitamin D deficiency risk during winter months.
- Yes, it is true that we need Vitamin D to properly absorb calcium
Before you rush out to buy your Vitamin D, please read on because there really
is some important information that will help you make better informed decisions on
its use.
“Vitamin D” has received lots of news media attention in the last few
years and it seems more so this year. The many news stories
about the latest studies would like us to believe it is the most
amazing new discovery … but is it really?
From a nutritionist's point of view, there are fundamentals everyone
should know about
this vitamin yet they are never mentioned in the news stories so
that is the information I want to share with you.
It takes 10-15 years to go from research to the latest news
- So Is All The Talk About Vitamin D Really New?
The benefits of vitamin and minerals have been recognized throughout the
natural health field for years and I have been teaching them to
people for over 15 years. There have been technical
advances in the understanding of how Vitamin D impacts the human
body in recent years so some of the info I will share with you was
not even available when I graduated back in the early 1990’s.
The reason information is slow to come to light should not
be surprising when you consider what Dr. Hugo Rodier, M.D., a
recognized authority in nutritional and integrative medicine and
psycho-neural immunology said when I attended one of his lectures …
“it takes about 10-15 years to go from the research department and
scientists to the doctors and (the news) media”.
Fact Is, Vitamin D Has Been Recognized For Centuries
Man is reported to have been aware since early antiquity of the
substance we now know as vitamin D. The first scientific description
of a vitamin D-deficiency, namely rickets, was provided in the 17th
century by both Dr. Daniel Whistler (1645) and Professor Francis
Glisson (1650).
The major breakthrough in understanding the causative factors of rickets was
the development in the period 1910 - 1930 of nutrition as an experimental
science and the appreciation of the existence of vitamins.
Without getting into all the boring details, here are the
basics you should know and understand about Vitamin D – I
will keep simple. Vitamin D is what we refer to as a
fat-soluble vitamin.
There are 2 types of vitamins:
- Water-soluble vitamins that need water to be absorbed
- Fat-soluble vitamins that need good fats and minerals to be
So often, it is not that the person is missing Vitamin D as much
as they may be lacking the good fats and/or essential minerals.
You can take Vitamin D and still be Vitamin D deficient!
The fact is, you can take all the Vitamin D you want, but if your
body does not already have the good fats and essential minerals, it
won’t do you any good because you won’t be able to absorb and
assimilate it ... the bottom line is you will remain Vitamin D
When I was teaching “Fundamentals of Nutrition” at one of the
Canada’s leading natural nutrition schools, a favorite final exam
question I often used was “What are the benefits of good fats more
commonly referred to as Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s)?
The answer is simple, in addition to helping with a variety of
body functions; essential fatty acids assist in the supply,
assimilation and transportation of fat-soluble vitamins (and that
includes Vitamin D).
In plain English ...
Taking Vitamin D alone without complimentary nutrients is practically useless.
I want you to understand why Vitamin D alone may be less
effective and what you can do about it. Because I believe this
is an important topic the article is longer than works in an email so I have packaged
it into a downloadable pdf document. Your questions are
Get the answers in my complete Vitamin D article now (pdf) ...
Do visit my website
for all your health supplements and nutrient needs ....
Got Questions About Developing Your Own Habits Of Health?
From complementary consultations to full counselling programs, you are invited to discover for yourself just how effective and rewarding a natural approach to health can be.
Want to stop guessing and find where you stand on your
own nutrient needs?
If would like to find where you stand in regards to your own
levels of vitamins and minerals, it is very simple – just call.
For the month of March 2009, I will analyze and
evaluate your nutritional profile and as a bonus you will get a
computerized report detailing nutrient levels from the most
imbalanced to least, food sources as well as irritants, and
recommended a program.
All for only for just $49 (Reg. $99) so you
save a recession busting $50 and I welcome your
interest to take advantage of this wonderful offer by
calling me at (905) 855-3000.
To your good health and happiness,
Diane McLaren
Holistic Health Practitioner, Wellness Coach
& Trainer
Understanding -
Guidance - Coaching - Motivation - Success