Healthy You Naturally Newsletter

Issue 1.10

Happy New Year!

Diane McLaren C.C.Ir., R.O.H.P., R.N.C.P.

Welcome and thank you for allowing me to share my passion, training and experience in nutrition, natural healing, holistic health and wellness with you.

I welcome your comments and if you're in the area, do drop by the new offices.

Warm regards and best wishes for the days, weeks months and years ahead.

Inline Image

Diane McLaren C.C.Ir., R.O.H.P., R.N.C.P.
Healthy You Naturally
A Div. of LifesGoals Inc.
(905) 855-3000

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What can you really do in 30 days?

What can you really do in 30 days

By now a majority of people that made one of the top 3 new year resolutions like losing weight, stop smoking or exercising more are either faltering, have given up or never even started.

Truth is, it is very hard to break old habits!

Even people with the best of intentions find they cannot make meaningful progress and it’s usually because their plan was too ambitious! Few people can make really big changes successfully, but anyone can be successful with a plan based on small incremental steps.

You know what your health goals are, but how do you break the old habits and really make now the year you do what you set out to do?  

  1. Start your plan with self-assessment and personal awareness. 

When obstacles happen, usually our logical thinking goes out the window and old habits automatically take over … and this happens to just about everyone … unless they have prepared in advance!

Take a sheet of paper and divide it in half, on the left list all the obstacles, reasons or excuses you think you may encounter on your way to achieving your goal.  On the right, consider each obstacle and then write how you will address it, if and when it appears … and it usually does, so be specific.

  1. Know where to begin by identifying where you are today

Complete a Compass Bio Survey (see right) or Lifestyle Analysis by phone/email to define your personal baseline.  Knowing your inner body systems (there are 9) relative strengths and weaknesses now will help you to measure and compare progress in the days, weeks and months ahead.

  1. Take the first small step

Begin by cleansing your body of waste & toxins

To help you move toward your goal of being a healthier you, slimmer you, non-smoking you, exercising you or similar, start with a gentle herbal cleanse. 

What does a house or car have to do with cleansing?

Gently removing unwanted toxins from the body is much like cleaning your home or changing the oil in your car.  In the house, you breathe better when there is less dust/dirt and tidying up (de-cluttering) allows you to enjoy your surroundings.  In a car, changing the oil ensures better gas mileage, engine longevity and avoids costly repairs.

In your body, getting rid of unwanted toxins paves the way to a healthier you:

  • Decreased cravings
  • Increased energy levels
  • Improved mental clarity
  • Accelerated weight loss & maintenance
  • Optimized exercise program results
  • Improved illness resistance

Fact is, everything works better in a cleaner body and cleansing is essential for weight loss and/or getting good results from an exercise program.

Cleansing should never be

  • Inconvenient
  • Cause cramps
  • Create discomforts
  • Begin by, “feeling worse first”

Done properly, you should feel energized during your cleanse.

To learn why it is wise to be very cautious about your cleansing program choice and which cleansing products you can trust, read the full article ...


These 3 simple actions are not time consuming, will not interfere with your daily routines and can get you on the path to really achieving what you want to do this year. 

Have fun when implementing your goal(s) – it’s not a race so take things slowly and you’ll get the rewards you deserve – a healthier, slimmer, energized you!

Please ask how we can be of service and know we would be honoured to be part of your Wellness Team.

~ Diane McLaren

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