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Diane McLaren's
Healthy You Naturally Newsletter
January 2012
Diane McLaren's Healthy You Naturally Newsletter


In the spirit of the season this article is about resolutions, but not the ones half of us make on New Year's that by year end, 90% of us have abandoned!

2012 Business hours:
Mon, Wed, Fri & now Sat. 10-5 + Tue & Thu 10-7 

Something fun this month!  Check out the How long will I live & what's my virtual age calculator ...

I hope you find value in this information and appreciate you allowing me to share my passion, training and experience in nutrition, natural & holistic health solutions with you.

Wishing you a Happy, Prosperous & Healthy New Year and thank you for your support in 2011!

Warm & Healthy Regards,

Warm & Healthy Regards, Diane

Diane McLaren C.C.Ir., R.O.H.P., R.N.C.P.
Healthy You Naturally Wellness Centre
(905) 855-3000

P.S.  If you have an interest in addressing your weight this year:

    Links Of Interest ::
Nutritionist Consulting Services Ideal Protein Weight Loss Program Iridology Analysis & Assessment Services
    Article ::

I Am Who I Am Today Because

Resolutions & Choices 2012

Every New Year's half of us make resolutions that by year end, 90% of us have abandoned!

The tradition of making New Year's resolutions dates back at least to the Babylonians, later the Romans would make promises to Janus (origin of the name January),  in Medieval times knights re-affirmed their commitment to chivalry.

Today many religions have annualized traditions involving resolutions.

The concept, regardless of belief, is to reflect upon self-improvement annually, but in reality, we make choices every day and those choices do influence and impact our tomorrows more than any New Year's resolution ever could.

Eleanor Roosevelt phrased the concept of choice very well in her quote:

"I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday."

In fact, we would be better served by considering the small resolutions (or choices) we make every single day of our lives and become more aware of the impacts those decisions have on our life, our happiness, our heath, our personal measures of success, others and our community.

Why are daily choices important

Most people when asked that question might relate answers that include, to feel better, to look better, to act better, to be more successful, to be happier, to be more considerate or to give back more to the community.

In fact those and many more answers are fine, but in our heart, many of us want to live a long life and secretly in our own self-talk, may wonder "How Long Will I Live".

How long will I live & what's my virtual age ... a quiz

While it's not the point of this article, it's a fair question.  How long we live and at what quality of living we enjoy it will be a result of the disciplines we follow, the choices we make, our level of happiness and a lifestyle that includes helping others.

To illustrate this concept, and have a little fun, take a few minutes out of your day to visit my website and take the Life Expectancy Quiz, (no personal identification is needed):

Of course that simple quiz can't possible tell you how long you will live, but it does demonstrate that the choices you are making do have impacts on your quality of life and duration of living. 

It comes down to you

A noted behavioural researcher, Dr. Shad Helmstetter Ph.D., has written many ground breaking books in the area of personal growth, self-talk (we all do), self-esteem, personal programming and goal-setting; he has some interesting thoughts on making choices, here's three:

  • "The end result of your life here on earth will always be the sum total of the choices you made while you were here"
  • "No one else can ever make your choices for you. Your choices are yours alone. They are as much a part of you as every breath you will take, every moment of your life"
  • "Learning what to choose, and how to choose, may be the most important education you will ever receive"

The point is, throughout any given day, consciously or unconsciously we  are making decisions that have both an immediate impact e.g. eat, I'm hungry then the impact e.g. ugggg, why did I do that! 

Our choices are cumulative

Most people never feel the immediate impacts of their choices, though over time, many will begin to notice the lower energy, fatigue, loss of vitality, pains and wide variety of symptoms including allergies and an inability to resist common illness.

Finding a balance that feeds and nurtures the body, mind and spirit while leaving room for all the fun things is key to an incrementally better tomorrow.

Is good health a foundation of your life plan

Most of us were fortunate enough to be born with good health. 

As we age that declines as a result of our choices so If you know you need to considerer alternatives either because you are tired of being sick and tired, the current methods are just not working, or you simply want a more natural approach to your health, we welcome your inquiry. 

We'll take the time to talk to you and explain how we might be of service. 

Focused on helping people

We focus on helping people achieve their goals naturally, then understand how to maintain them by designing the right programs. This holistic approach delivers results that empowers people.

We'll do the comprehensive in-depth analysis and go to the root of addressing conditions such as weight, fatigue, low energy, allergies, food sensitivities, IBS/digestion, migraines/headaches, joint pain, pms, fertility,  nutrition, menopause, in short, any health concerns you may have.

When you feel great, you enjoy a powerful sense of confidence and well-being ... it's that point in time when everything around you just feels right!  We'll help you get back there naturally.

If you'd like to approach and address your health naturally, consider a consultation.  We welcome past and new clients, for more info or appointments call (905) 855-3000

Consultations:  in Office  |  by Phone  |  on Skype  (CA, USA, FR, UK)

Visit my updated & expanded website for more information ...

    Healthy You Naturally Wellness Centre ::
Diane McLaren

Expect remarkable results when you address your health naturally with one of Canada's top Holistic Health Practitioners Diane McLaren C.C.Ir., R.O.H.P., R.N.C.P is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Iridologist, Herbalist & Reflexologist in practice since 1994.

Her focus is helping people achieve their health goals, and understanding how to maintain them by designing the right programs.

If you have any questions our products, services, courses or would like a personal consultation, we would be honoured to be of service.

For inquiries / appointments call (905) 855-3000


Copyright © 1994-2020Healthy You Naturally, A Div. of Lifesgoals Inc. All Rights Reserved.
1834 Lakeshore Rd. West, Unit 6, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada  L5J 1J7  (905) 855-3000

This newsletter is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a tool for diagnosing or prescribing.

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