Hello and Welcome!
Happy New Year! I would like to take this opportunity to
wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2011 and thank you for your support in
The season of new year resolutions is just about past and it seems only half of us
bother to make one. If history is any indication, 97% of those that do won't keep them
by year end!
Well relax, this issue is not about making new year resolutions though it is
based on a recent news story I heard Jan. 2 about new year resolutions that made my blood boil!
I hope you find value in this information and thank you for allowing me to share my passion, training and experience with you.
I welcome all comments & feedback!
Warm & Healthy Regards,
Diane McLaren
C.C.Ir., R.O.H.P., R.N.C.P.
Holistic Health Practitioner, Nutritionist & Iridologist Healthy You Naturally
Wellness Centre (905) 855-3000
P.S. Weight, fatigue, allergies, food sensitivities, IBS,
migraines, joint pain, nutrition or other concern about your current state of
health, if you would like to address it naturally, I invite you to consider a personal
consultation. Together, we'll get to the root of your concerns & put a plan in place!
Join me and learn something new this winter ...
I am again offering several natural health courses
suitable for anyone interested in learning how to naturally fight many common illnesses,
strengthen their
immune system, optimize their health and enjoy a superior quality of life.
Get the what/why and how of food selection, nutrition and herbal food supplements which are the real natural medicines that contribute to healing
and wellness at every age. Have some fun learning a new skill like reflexology or muscle testing.
See right panel for info.
Why It's Never Been About New Year Resolutions
You may know I've been in practice since 1994, and in that time I`ve had the honour of helping thousands of
wonderful people find lasting health solutions.
On January 2, I heard something on the radio that I find very sad and troubling … especially, when I
firmly believe, have experienced and witnessed the truth to be something totally different.
I don`t remember the exact words, but it was advice on a popular news radio station citing a parents magazine that went something like this …
“Why bother setting a New Year Resolution about losing weight when you know you won’t keep it?”
What kind of irresponsible message is that?
If Thomas Edison had followed that advice years ago, we might still be sitting in the dark! It took him a few thousand attempts before succeeding with the light bulb invention!
- Lucky for us his attitude was "I discovered a lot of ways that didn't work".
- What he did was simply continue, fine-tuning his approach, until he succeeded at
what he wanted to do!
While this article is not focused on weight loss, the idea is that if your
really want to lose weight, you can do it! If you want to exercise more, you
can do it! If you want to spend more time with family and friends, you can
do it! What's common to all these goals? You!
I know we need to filter what we hear in the media but ...
Overreacting, I don't think so!
It's not that the message was about weight loss, its the fact that a public news broadcast (and parenting magazine
of all things)
are suggesting that people not even bother trying to set a goal, to improve
themselves, simply because some study reported ... !
- There are too many studies telling us what to do & I think
we should be more critical of learning who is behind the studies and who
is funding them!
- There are too many commercials telling us what to do & think too
So whether you made a resolution this year or not, it's likely you can identify with one or more of the top issues on
many people's minds. (See side panel at right.)
No, I Am Not Insane
Einstein gave us a wonderful definition of insanity “... doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. As long as you change and tweak what you are doing, you have a substantially better chance of success!
- If something is important to you then yes, you can and will succeed!
When I want to achieve something because it's important for me, I am a firm believer in “not giving up!”. If something does not work well for me then I change it, I tweak it, I do it again. I do not mind at all trying, doing, changing and tweaking until I get the result I want.
The rewards always far exceed the effort needed to achieve the
initial result!
“We should not have to wait until we are sick to be well”
My own understanding, belief and absolute certainty is that good health is essential to enjoying a high quality of life. All the money in the world is worthless
without good health.
- One of the reasons I started a natural health & wellness practice was to inspire people to do something about their health before illness strikes.
- “We should not have to wait until we are sick to be well” ~ Diane
It is always easier to follow simple prevention based measures that strengthen and sustain the body`s resistance to disease, than
to cope with an illness once it arrives.
Over the past 16 years of practice I have seen people that wait until they experience the limiting effects of illness. In the beginning
they purchased over the counter, then the stronger prescriptions that
better masked the symptoms
so they could cope with surviving the day's demands. It was never
the quality of life they envisioned, nor wanted.
Living is so much more than just surviving the day
The digestive problems, migraines and various aches and pains that keep people from favourite activities, the illness that removes them from the workplace and socializing with family and friends, the physical limitations that impede their ability to interact with their children, the list
of consequences and impacts of poor health is long.
"You know you won't do it"
Another reason I found the above statement very sad and troubling is the wider implications for the affected person and their family, the long-term effects of not
being proactive today.
Looking down the road 5 or 10 years, western society is already seeing the
early compounded effects of its actions.
Once confined to middle-age, high blood pressure, weight, cardio-vascular conditions, diabetes, arteriosclerosis
are now widespread and even our youth are not spared. Once rare, allergies are
now accepted as normal!
- The media telling us not to bother trying to address it!
- Others telling us the aches and pains are just part of the aging
Absolute Rubbish ... What did Einstein say?
Let me talk about weight loss as an example because it is such a widespread
and pressing issue today. Even if you're that 4 in 10 who has no weight issues,
you likely have a friend or family member
who does.
Yes, yes … I know many people have followed so many different diets, to lose
so many pounds, only to gain them all back again and sometimes more!
- Is it just me, or have you noticed that with few exceptions, real success stories e.g. you, a friend or a family member
who has enjoyed long-term success with their weight are few and far between?
- And no, I`m not talking about paid advertisements of before/after where
we hear and see the amazing results! (look at the small print which
says it's not typical)
- So weight remains a growing not declining social problem despite so many
options, clearly we need change, tweak and try something different!
So are you really going to give up?
Of course you are not!
On the other side of the largely failed weight loss books, foods and well
advertised weight loss programs are a growing number of people who have been able to successfully get rid of their unwanted weight and keep it off for years! That is right … for years!
- They've learned how to manage their food instead of letting their food manage them!
- This is not a new concept. Rudolph Ballentine M.D. has promoted this important concept
for over 25 years, it remains a crucial one to understand.
It`s not mumbo jumbo when the results are long lasting
In the early 1980s, I was hospitalized in a state of total right-side head to
toe paralysis and eventually diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.
- They told me if lucky, I might achieve a 70% recovery.
- I did not say, oh well, if that's the way it's going to be!
- I decided not accept that prognosis without a fight!
- It took me 10 long years to figure out how to get and stay healthy!
- I did not do it alone!
I learned a lot about trying different methods, about fear, about failing, about setbacks, about making progress, about hope, about success and from those
many personal experiences, I also learned a lot about how the mind directly influences results.
- The mind directly influences
results both positive, and negative.
- "Whether you think you can, or
you think you can't ... you're right." (H. Ford)
With those personal lessons and later my professional education in Nutrition, Iridology, Herbology and Reflexology, it's
formed the basis and methodology of how I have been successfully working with clients for
over 16 years.
Expect remarkable results
The personalized health programs I develop for people initiate a fundamental, essential and lasting mind-shift,
and remarkable results.
- Personal Health Counselling & Wellness Programs
- Healthy Weight Loss Programs
- Lasting results
I would be honoured to support you to your goal!
If you have questions about my health or weight programs and/or would like a personalized assessment of where your body strengths and weaknesses
are, I would be honored to be of service.
Warm & Healthy Regards For An Amazing 20!!
Diane McLaren Call (905) 855-3000
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