Zambroza Scientific Research References
There is a lot of goodness in Zambroza. Following is a brief description and references on the science behind Zambroza.
Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana)
1J Nat Prod. 2003 Aug;66(8):1124-7 Induction of apoptosis by xanthones
from mangosteen in human leukemia cell lines. Matsumoto K, Akao Y,
Kobayashi E, Ohguchi K, Ito T, Tanaka T, Iinuma M
2 Planta Med. 2002 Nov;68(11):975-9 Garcinone E, a xanthone derivative, has
potent cytotoxic effect against hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines. Ho
CK, Huang YL, Chen CC.
3 Free Radic Res. 1995 Aug;23(2):175-84. Mangostin inhibits the oxidative
modification of human low density lipoprotein. Williams P, Ongsakul M,
Proudfoot J, Croft K, Beilin L.
Wolfberry (Lycium barbarum)
1 Zhong Yao Cai. 2004 Aug;27(8):599-600[The study on the effect of LBP on cleaning hydroxygen free radical by
EPR technique], Ni H, Qing D, Kaisa S, Lu J.
2 Int Immunopharmacol. 2004 Apr;4(4):563-9. Immunomodulation and antitumor activity by a polysaccharide-protein
complex from Lycium barbarum. Gan L, Hua Zhang S, Liang Yang X, Bi Xu H.
Sea Buckthorn* (Hippophae rhamnoides)
1 J Agric Food Chem. 2004 Dec 1;52(24):7264-71. Inhibition of cancer cell proliferation in vitro by fruit and
berry extracts and correlations with antioxidant levels. Olsson ME, Gustavsson KE, Andersson S, Nilsson A,
Duan RD. Department of Crop Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
2 Zhong Yao Cai. 2003 Dec;26(12):875-7. [Study on effect of flavonoids from oil-removed seeds of Hippophae
rhamnoides on inducing apoptosis of human hepatoma cell], Sun B, Zhang P, Qu W, Zhang X, Zhuang X, Yang H.
3 J Agric Food Chem. 2003 Jul 16;51(15):4233-9. Structure-antioxidant efficiency relationships of phenolic
compounds and their contribution to the antioxidant activity of sea buckthorn juice. Rosch D, Bergmann M, Knorr
D, Kroh LW.
* This ingredient may not be included dependant on individual countries regulations.
Grape (extract, seeds, and skin) (Vitis vinifera, spp.)
1 Mol Nutr Food Res. 2005 Feb;49(2):159-74. Dietary proanthocyanidins: Occurrence, dietary intake,
bioavailability, and protection against cardiovascular disease. Rasmussen SE, Frederiksen H, Struntze
Krogholm K, Poulsen L.
2 Neoplasia. 2005 Jan;7(1):24-36. Grape seed proanthocyanidins induce apoptosis through p53, Bax, and caspase 3
pathways. Roy AM, Baliga MS, Elmets CA, Katiyar SK., Department of Dermatology, University of Alabama at
Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
3 Yao Xue Bao. 2004 Nov;39(11):869-75. [Isolation and structure identification of grape seed polyphenols and
its effects on oxidative damage to cellular DNA], Fan PH, Lou HX. College of Pharmacy, Shandong University
4Arch Latinoam Nutr. 2004 Jun;54(2 Suppl 1):79-82. Wine in Mediterranean Diet], Lamuela-Raventos RM,
Andres-Lacueva C. Departament de Nutricio i Bromatologia, CERTA, Facultat de Farmacia, Universitat de
Barcelona, Espana.
4Atherosclerosis. 1999 Jan;142(1):139-49. Proanthocyanidin-rich extract from grape seeds attenuates the
development of aortic atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed rabbits. Yamakoshi J, Kataoka S, Koga T, Ariga T.
Research and Development Division, Kikkoman Corporation, Noda City, Chiba Pref, Japan.
Raspberry (Rubus idaeus)
1 J Agric Food Chem. 2002 Aug 28;50(18):5191-6. Ellagitannins, flavonoids, and other phenolics in red
raspberries and their contribution to antioxidant capacity and vasorelaxation properties. Mullen W, McGinn
J, Lean ME, MacLean MR, Gardner P, Duthie GG, Yokota T, Crozier A. Plant Products and Human Nutrition
Group, Graham Kerr Building, Division of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Institute of Biomedical and Life
Sciences, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom.
2 J Agric Food Chem. 2002 May 8;50(10):2926-30. Antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of raspberries.
Liu M, Li XQ, Weber C, Lee CY, Brown J, Liu RH.
Blueberries (Vacinnium spp.)
1 J Med Food. 2004 Winter;7(4):450-5 Antimutagenic activity of berry extracts. Hope Smith S, Tate PL,
Huang G, Magee JB, Meepagala KM, Wedge DE, Larcom LL. Department of Microbiology, Clemson University,
Clemson, SC
2 Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Jan;81(1 Suppl):313S-316S. Reversing the deleterious effects of aging on neuronal
communication and behavior: beneficial properties of fruit polyphenolic compounds. Joseph JA, Shukitt-Hale
B, Casadesus G. US Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University,
Boston, and the Institute of Pathology, Case Western Reserve Universit
3 Planta Med 1996 Jun;62(3):212-6. . In vitro anticancer and cholesterol lowering activity of fruit
extracts from Vaccinium species. Bomser J, Madhavi DL
Apple Extract (Malus sylvestris, M. domestica )
1 J Agric Food Chem. 2005 Feb 23;53(4):928-34. Phenolic Profile, Antioxidant Property, and Anti-influenza
Viral Activity of Chinese Quince (Pseudocydonia sinensis Schneid.), Quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.), and Apple
(Malus domestica Mill.) Fruits. Hamauzu Y, Yasui H, Inno T, Kume C, Omanyuda M.
2 Biofactors. 2004;22(1-4):311-4. Characteristics and physiological functions of polyphenols from apples.
Akazome Y. Fundamental Research Laboratory, Asahi Breweries, Ltd
3 Agric Food Chem. 2003 Mar 12;51(6):1676-83 Apple peels as a value-added food ingredient.
Wolfe KL, Liu RH. Institute of Comparative and Environmental Toxicology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New
4 Nutr J. 2004 May 12;3(1):5. Apple phytochemicals and their health benefits. Boyer J, Liu RH.
Department of Food Science and Institute of Comparative and Environmental Toxicology, Cornell University
Green Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis)
1 J Nutr Biochem. 2005 Jan;16(1):1-8. Antiangiogenic properties of natural polyphenols from red wine and green
tea. Oak MH, El Bedoui J, Schini-Kerth VB.
2 J Agric Food Chem. 2002 Jun 5;50(12):3549-52. Antioxidative activity of green tea polyphenol in
cholesterol-fed rats. Yokozawa T, Nakagawa T, Kitani K.
3 Eur J Pharmacol. 2004 Oct 1;500(1-3):177-85. Pharmacological effects of green tea on the gastrointestinal
system. Koo MW, Cho CH. Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
4 Biofactors. 2004;22(1-4):135-40. Anti-obesity actions of green tea: Possible involvements in modulation of the
glucose uptake system and suppression of the adipogenesis-related transcription factors. Ashida H,
Furuyashiki T, Nagayasu H, Bessho H, Sakakibara H, Hashimoto T, Kanazawa K. Department of Biofunctional
Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Kobe University
5 J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol. 1999;18(3):147-58. Antimutagenic/antioxidant activity of green tea components
and related compounds. Pillai SP, Mitscher LA, Menon SR, Pillai CA, Shankel DM. Department of
Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Bioscience, University of Kansas, Lawrence