Tired Of Being Sick And Tired
If you are tired of being sick and tired and want help, get lasting relief from exhaustion, pain, headaches, allergies, inflammation - get healthy naturally
Rather than wake up most days tired of being sick and tired, don't you really deserve to wake up in the morning feeling rested, energized and looking forward to the new day?
Are you still guessing how to solve that sick and tired feeling?
If you're in your 20's, this is not likely to concern you, come back in 10-15 years! Or, start now and avoid being sick and tired in your 30's, 40's and 50's.
Have all those prescriptions, diets, health products, special foods, self-help books, promises and solutions you've tried worked a bit but never for long, or worse, never worked at all? While the odds are they may work for a few people simply because it was most appropriate for their body needs, most find the results ineffective at best because it was not what their body actually needed.
Self help at the natural health store, is it working for you?
Visiting a natural health store or wellness section in your local grocery store and choosing the right natural energy, pain, sleep, vitamin or inflammation relief product can be a downright confusing if not impossible for most people for very good reasons.
- You wander the isles and with so many brands and label promises to choose from, it's difficult to figure out what's right for you.
- You're really not sure what your body needs but the labels describe your symptoms so you spend your hard earned money to buy a product (or 2, or 3) to try them out hoping for the best, and are yet again disappointed.
- You visit your medical clinic and get a prescription ... a few weeks later you're back where you started!
- You still wake up in the morning feeling sick and tired and wonder if staying in bed wouldn't be the best option of the day.
- You feel that dragging your feet to the floor is going to be impossible and maybe you've begun to wonder if you even slept last night!
- Even when you do wake up feeling ok, by 2pm the little energy you had in the morning is gone and on top of that, you've noticed that it's been happening too often lately.
For many people, the pain and fatigue of being sick and tired is all too common
None of us really wants to be sick, live in pain or be endlessly tired, yet it is common in North America and this is what makes modern food and drug companies so big, keeps our medical clinics and hospitals so busy, for the most part they're all caught up in the sickness business.
It's a viscous cycle of the 21st Century. Over a period of years we buy the nutrient poor well labeled processed foods, our body slowly weakens with too few nutrients and the man-made ingredients confuse normal body functions with toxic waste leading to symptoms such as fatigue, pain and frequent illness. Our medical prescriptions or OTC's temporarily mask the symptoms of illness without a preventive plan so the symptoms return.
Far too many people wrongly accept recurring sickness and fatigue as unavoidable.
The Sickness Business
Consider for a moment what would happen to pharmaceutical and food company sales if even 50% of us stopped buying their drugs and highly processed foods because we'd found a way to get and stay healthy naturally. We wouldn't need those products so they'd get smaller and we'd be dramatically more healthy.
Think about the last time you sat down to watch a favorite TV program? Chances are you saw a pharmaceutical company ads promoting a new wonder drug (and side effect risks) and all you had to do was go ask your doctor for a prescription! What's wrong with this picture? Drug companies are telling us to see a doctor to buy their products!
The advertising works too, but most people eventually discover or tire of the many of the drugs designed to subdue symptoms, not address the underlying cause, which creates lasting illness. Prevention is not part of the plan!
- It certainly appears like these companies design many of the products to mask symptoms, counting on us purchasing more and more of it over time ... that simple fact puts them in the sickness business. The products are specifically meant to mask the problem, not heal it!
But in fairness to pharmaceutical companies
There are some miraculous drugs available today that deliver incredible benefits to people needing critical life support and care. That very small percentage of the population undergoing life saving operations, suffering from serious genetic disorders or battling life threatening disease or injury. Modern drugs in this case are life savers.
People with life threatening conditions as a rule did not choose their situation, they are victims of it. On the other hand, poor food choices by many "healthy" people is having an insidious and lasting negative effect on western population.
- Our health system is inundated with sick people, and we've all heard the situation is not improving. Health care costs are constantly rising.
- Take a look at our article "Our Crisis" to understand more of the drivers of sickness.
Perhaps you've heard the news about diabetes and body weight
Type 2 Diabetes and excess Body Weight are two of the fastest growing health challenges facing people (and children) in North America because today. Rarely do doctors have the time to sit down and really listen to us, work with us to proactively address the underlying causes of our symptoms and administer the wellness programs necessary to help us stay healthy.
In fact, they're mainly trained to react to the symptoms of illness, not preventive wellness. Our medical profession is overworked. You make appointments and wait, if it's an emergency, the wait is long.
Our doctors for the most part do great and necessary work but think about it, the last time you visited them, was it to stay well, or deal with a symptom or illness?
Wouldn't you rather take steps to be and stay well as opposed to battling illness?
We are constantly told fatigue, aches and pains is part of aging
Western healthcare suggests we just accept headaches, migraines, allergies, stomach and digestive distress, body pain, fatigue, arthritis, and thousands of other common ailments as just part of the aging process.
Here's a prescription, just take a few pills, the symptoms are inevitable symptoms that affect a stressed and aging population, yet for over 80% of us, it's not necessarily so.
Science can now easily explain what mankind has always suspected, that there is a direct relationship between the quality of our food and the quality of our bodies performance.
Knowing this is a big step toward avoiding being sick and tired.
Modern Science, Stakeholders and the Art of Sickness Advertising
Add to this mix the ever increasing barrage of TV and radio advertisements from big pharmaceutical manufacturers with big marketing budgets telling you to buy their products (forgive the side-effects!) and you end up more confused.
Even the typical child in North America today is bombarded with over 40,000 TV advertisements a year. That's a 100 a day and what are they saying! These big budget marketing companies are promising benefits equivalent to candy for our children.
The tactics are the same for you and me, more mature, but no less menacing.
Drug makers remain in the news with announcements of products being recalled from the market due to unexpected and serious side-effects in a significant number of users.
In a vast majority of cases today, pharmaceutical drugs are designed in a laboratory to be highly focused on masking symptoms, not attacking the root cause.
The sickness business is big business
One of the biggest mistakes we can make when buying a drug products is to look at the benefits, without considering the side effects of the product; side effects that can have long-term implications.
Many of the popular prescription and OTC drugs can damage your stomach, liver and kidneys, and can even cause internal bleeding. What's worse, many over-the-counter (OTC) remedies just mask the symptoms and can actually slow tissue healing and adaptation in the long run.
So you're slowing your body's ability to heal itself, you've spent countless dollars every month on products that didn't help, and you still suffer with the fatigue and pain anyway.
There's got to be a better way ...
There is, but you have to understand that the human body will only accept material it recognizes, the rest are ultimately foreign substances with limited benefit and result in sometimes harmful reactions.
Consider the wisdom of those who have gone before us
The concept of wellness dates back many thousands of years and there are frequent examples in history of individuals that have recognized and pursued nutrition as a key ingredient of wellness.
“Traditional Oriental medicine had always insisted that the mind and the body are not two. What we call diseases and illnesses are merely symptoms that the entire body is out of kilter. To make a man whole again, he has only to eat whole food...” - From the book, Sugar Blues by William Dufty
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” - Thomas Edison, a famous scientist and philosopher
So What Has Changed
At the beginning of the 20th century, restaurants were rare while today, they are prevalent in every part our society and we spend an enormous amount of our disposable income on eating out which good news for restaurants, particularly fast food restaurants!
However, leading up to the early 20th century, normal for most people were home cooked meals! and while our great grandparents, and theirs, did not have the wide diversity of food choices we have today, they had the basics and those basics were far more nutritionally dense than our foods are today.
In fact, the nutrient value of their foods was incredibly better than the distant cousins of today and their farming methods still followed age old crop rotation principles to regenerate soil nutrients, naturally, over time.
"Today our foods are largely grown or cultivated in nutritionally deficient soils aided by chemistry and are highly processed and refined with additives such as fats, sugars and sodium. Sure those highly refined products tastes good, but at what cost?"
"The unfortunate result of food today is that most people are slowly starving on an abundant supply of highly processed nutrient deficient food"
For example, the nutritive density of food is lowered by the preparations necessary for freezing and canning. There are thousands of different types of chemicals, additives, preservatives, colorings in foods which our body does not recognize as food.
“We are not wired for those substances”
And what happened to the nutrients in our fresh produce
“Fat was a very precious commodity in the world that we emerged from …, where people lived on fruit and berries and wild game, and where there was almost no fat. The choicest foods were the fatty flavorsome foods. … the human brain has been built to recognize fat, sugar and salt as part of the primeval survival mechanisms.
Now we're handicapped because we have fat everywhere, but we still have those brain mechanisms charging away.” - Prof. Philip James, M.D. Chairman, International Obesity Task Force
Our bodies are based on a biological system developed many thousands of years ago when we were basically wandering nomads with diets confined to fruits and berries and the occasional wild game, fat was rare in the diet.
When fatty food was found, it was highly prized, and over time the human mind grew to recognize and search out these fat, sugar and sodium laden foods.
Today, these 3 ingredients, fat, sugar and sodium are so abundant, and help to make processed foods taste so good, that we are slowly losing our ability to diversify taste or even appreciate the tastes of the more fundamental, yet absolutely essential foods needed to nourish us.
A lot of people within a normal weight range are unhealthy, although they often don’t know it. The aches and pains of our body are signals that something is wrong.
Modern science has vastly improved our standards of living, and that is good, but have we now begun to inflict irreversible damage on ourselves, and our children, by believing the claims of companies promoting the excitement and fun of highly refined foods?
The quality of your nutrition remains the primary driver of health and wellness
- I have found in my own natural health practice over the years that the one consistent link, the 800 pound gorilla, relating most conditions and symptoms of illness, has almost always been rooted in the quality of foods my clients consume.
- You'll may recall that not so long ago, those raising the alarm over global warming were dismissed, yet today it is a scientific fact.
- Speaking from personal experience in the early 1980's which was the catalyst of my natural health passion, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia and more and experience 60% body paralysis. Legs, arms even face! ( Read about my MS story about healing ... )
- I explored every possible avenue of western medicine that held any semblance of hope, I tried extraordinary means and followed endless avenues of false hope. I found solutions in alternative health and today, I have been symptom free for many years. It's possible, I know!
- My healing and current good state of health is a result of research and the acceptance of some fundamental lifestyle habits, food choices and a few nutritional supplements; skills which I now share with clients, and detail in my soon to be released book.
FACT: Good nutrition is fundamental to good health and wellness
In fact, from my personal experience, my education and the results of my thousands of clients and students; all have improved their health and wellness through the rudiments of a fresh food diet low in processed foods of any kind.
I want to share this knowledge with you so that you too can live a life filled with promise, wonder and joy. Everybody can benefit from basic food choices and high quality nutritional supplementation."
Good Health Doesn't Have to Be Complex, Difficult or Lack Fun
- My Holistic Health Care Practice is all about offering you proven programs I have developed that will help you to identify the right steps to life-long wellness, then supporting you as you move toward and attain each goal. Your inquiries are welcome.
- The products you'll find featured throughout this site are the products I use personally and recommend to clients in my practice. I am sharing the product information with you because I feel you can make the intelligent choices if you have the fundamental information.
You can learn the preventative health steps to stay well, but your first step to achieving wellness is really all about you being proactive by choosing to be well.
3 Hazards To Know About
- Dangers of Modern Cosmetic Make Up Products (If Looks Could Kill)
- Hazards Of Your Top 10 Most Popular Foods
- 76 Ways Sugar Can Ruin Your Health
Where to begin!
Read how nutrition consulting services can address your problems naturally ...
We've been helping people regain their good health naturally since 1994. For example, recently a lady came to use looking for digestive disorder help, a problem she'd suffered with since childhood and despite all the doctors and naturopaths, she still suffered with the issue, until she heard about our services. How years of suffering digestive disorders are solved in weeks ...
If you're sick and tired of being sick and tired and want help, call (905) 855-3000
(C) Site Copyright 1994-2020
Diane McLaren
As one of Canada's top
Holistic Natural Health Practitioners (a
Registered Holistic Nutritionist,
Master Herbalist &
Clinically Certified Iridologist), Diane and her team of practitioners have helped thousands of people successfully address a wide range of problems naturally from her wellness centres in Mississauga, Ontario (Canada).